
Webhooks are configured and enabled in Settings > General > Integrations > Webhooks.

  • Webhooks are HTTP POST requests to the URL defined in the settings for each webhook

  • The POST request has data identifying what type of data was updated, and the ID of the object

    • Example: “consultation_id=123”

  • Webhooks expect to receive HTTP 200 response on the successful process

    • If the response is other than HTTP 200, the notification delivery will be retried

    • On the settings page, you can see also an up-to-date list of triggered webhooks and their delivery status. A log is available for review.

  • Webhooks can be set to be department specific, in which case they only trigger when items on a certain department are updated, or can be set to be organization-wide, in which case they always trigger.

    • Leaving the department field empty will make the webhook work across the entire organization.

    • Certain actions where departments cannot be inferred, such as updating clients and patients through the REST API, do not trigger department-specific webhooks.

  • Multiple webhooks can be set for the same trigger and/or department, and updates will trigger all of the webhooks that apply in the situation.

  • Webhooks can be given an optional name to help identify and differentiate them.

  • No longer needed webhooks can be disabled by unchecking the Active checkbox.

The following Webhook events are currently available in Provet Cloud settings. Each of the hooks can have a different (or same) URL address, to which Provet Cloud sends the hook when triggered by the event.

  • Client create/update: parameter client_id

  • Patient create/update: parameter patient_id

  • Consultation create/update: parameter consultation_id

  • Consultation delete: parameter consultation_id

  • Consultation item create/update: parameter consultationitem_id

  • Diagnostic imaging worklist create: parameter diagnosticimagingworklist_id

  • Diagnostic imaging worklist update: parameter diagnosticimagingworklist_id

  • Diagnostic imaging worklist delete: parameter diagnosticimagingworklist_id

  • Invoice finalized: parameter invoice_id

  • Invoice draft hook, notifies when a draft invoice is updated or items added automatically from insurance claim: parameter invoice_id

  • Invoice payment create: parameter invoicepayment_id

  • Prepayment create/update: parameter unallocatedpayment_id

  • Insurance claim create/update: parameter insuranceclaim_id

  • Organization item create/update: parameter organizationitem_id

  • Accounting report create: parameter accountingreport_id

  • Laboratory referral create/update: parameter laboratory_referral_id

  • Appointment reminder create/update/delete: parameter appointment_reminder_id