Rate limiting

Provet Cloud REST API uses rate limits to throttle the amount of requests that a single REST API user can send in a certain period of time. This is done to manage the volume of requests and to protect server resources.

When you exceed the rate limit for an endpoint, the REST API will return a HTTP 429 Too Many Requests response to your request. Additionally, a Retry-After header is included in the response with a recommended amount of seconds to wait before attempting the request.

Rate limits are enforced on a per-endpoint basis. If your integration needs to use endpoints A with a rate limit of 100 requests/min and B with a rate limit of 200 requests/min, your integration would be able to make a total of 300 requests per minute between these two endpoints.

Rate limits for each endpoint are documented in the Provet Cloud REST API Schema.

Provet Cloud REST API evaluates the number of API requests by using a rolling 60-second window. After 60 seconds has elapsed since making the API request, the request will no longer count towards your limit.

Specifying a custom page size for paginated endpoints will use an amount of requests proportional to the default page size. That is to say, if an endpoint returns 50 results per page by default, requesting 500 results per page will count as 10 requests against the view rate limit.